5 Ways to Use Your GoPro

Feb 14, 2014

Not only is Dieter Humpsch one of the top wakeskaters in the world, he is also extremely talented behind the camera lense. Dieter has helped redefine videography in the wake industry and has inspired many videographers around the world to think outside of the box while capturing footage. Check out Dieter's top 5 ways to creatively use a GoPro or any other action camera:

1 – Lifestyle

With the GoPro being so small, it’s a pleasure to travel with. Therefore not a hassle and I can keep snapping away.

2 – Hand held

The easiest way and simplest way. Your arm is the pole

3 – Extended Pole

The extended pole is such a cool tool to have. Lowes or Home Depot usually sell them. It gives you an easy way to get that high perspective without climbing a tree or buying a quadcopter.

4 – Swivel Helmet

I made this swivel helmet mount from a tutorial online and got all the parts at Lowe's. It works great!

5 – My Eyes

I rely on the GoPro to see what I cannot. For example, when I film with heli I use the GoPro with live feed to be my eyes. Here are a couple screen grabs I got from my GoPro using as eyes for co-ordination when working with my aerial videography.


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